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Config Options

DDEV configuration is stored in YAML files that come in two flavors:

  1. Project .ddev/config.yaml settings, with optional environmental override variants.
  2. Global $HOME/.ddev/global_config.yaml settings that can apply to all projects.

Most of these settings take effect when you run ddev start.

Managing Configuration

Setting Options

You can hand-edit the YAML files DDEV creates for you after running ddev config, and you can also define most settings with equivalent CLI arguments:

php_version: "8.3"
ddev config --php-version 8.3

Run ddev help config to see all the available config arguments.

Environmental Overrides

You can override the per-project config.yaml with files named config.*.yaml, and files like this are often created by DDEV add-ons. For example, config.elasticsearch.yaml in Elasticsearch add-on adds additional configuration related to Elasticsearch.

Many teams use config.local.yaml for configuration that is specific to one environment, and not checked into the team’s default config.yaml. You might enable Mutagen or enable NFS for the project, for example, only on your machine. Or maybe use a different database type. The file config.local.yaml is gitignored by default.

For examples, see the Extending and Customizing Environments page.


An array of extra fully-qualified domain names to be used for a project.

Type Default Usage
project []

Example: additional_fqdns: ["", ""] would provide HTTP and HTTPS URLs for and

See Hostnames and Wildcards and DDEV, Oh My! for more information on DDEV hostname resolution.


Take care with additional_fqdns; it adds items to your /etc/hosts file which can cause confusion.


An array of extra hostnames to be used for a project.

Type Default Usage
project []

Example: additional_hostnames: ["somename", "someothername", "*.thirdname"] would provide HTTP and HTTPS URLs for,, and +

The wildcard (*.<whatever>) setting only works if you’re using DNS to resolve hostnames (default) and connected to the internet and using as your project_tld.

See Hostnames and Wildcards and DDEV, Oh My! for more information on DDEV hostname resolution.


When the network interfaces of a project should be exposed to the local network, you can specify bind_all_interfaces: true to do that. This is an unusual application, sometimes used to share projects on a local network.

Type Default Usage
project false Can be true or false.


The relative path, from the project root, to the directory containing composer.json. (This is where all Composer-related commands are executed.)

Type Default Usage


Composer version for the web container and the ddev composer command.

Type Default Usage
project 2 Can be 2, 1, or empty ("") for latest major version at container build time.

Can also be a minor version like 2.2 for the latest release of that branch, an explicit version like 1.0.22, or a keyword like stable, preview or snapshot. See Composer documentation.

How to run Composer from vendor/bin/composer?

ddev exec vendor/bin/composer --version
# If you have a custom composer_root:
ddev exec '$DDEV_COMPOSER_ROOT/vendor/bin/composer --version'


Whether to corepack enable on Node.js configuration.

Type Default Usage
project false Can be true or false.

When true, corepack_enable will be executed, making latest yarn and pnpm package managers available.


The type and version of the database engine the project should use.

Type Default Usage
project MariaDB 10.11 Can be MariaDB 5.5–10.8, 10.11, or 11.4, MySQL 5.5–8.0, or PostgreSQL 9–15.
See Database Server Types for examples and caveats.


Extra Debian packages for the project’s database container. (This is rarely used.)

Type Default Usage
project []

Example: dbimage_extra_packages: ["less"] will add the less package when the database container is built.


You can configure a version constraint for DDEV that will be validated against the running DDEV executable and prevent ddev start from running if it doesn’t validate. For example:

ddev_version_constraint: '>= v1.24.0-alpha1'
Type Default Usage
project >= 1.23.4


Seconds DDEV will wait for all containers to become ready.

Type Default Usage
project 120 Can be adjusted to avoid timeouts on slower systems or for huge snapshot restores.


Not currently used.

Type Default Usage
global false Can true or false.


Whether to disable CMS-specific settings file management.

Type Default Usage
project false Can be true or false.

When true, DDEV will not create or update CMS-specific settings files.


Whether to disable the standard warning issued when a project is using performance_mode: mutagen but upload_dirs is not configured.

Type Default Usage
project false Can be true or false.

When true, DDEV will not issue the normal warning on ddev start: “You have Mutagen enabled and your ‘php’ project type doesn’t have upload_dirs set”. See Mutagen and User-Generated Uploads for context on why DDEV avoids doing the Mutagen sync on upload_dirs.


Relative path to the document root containing index.php or index.html.

Type Default Usage
project automatic DDEV will attempt to detect this and set it for you, otherwise falling back to the current directory.


Whether ddev start should be interrupted by a failing hook, on a single project or for all projects if used globally.

Type Default Usage
false Can be true or false.


DDEV-specific lifecycle hooks to be executed.

Type Default Usage
project ``


Port for binding database server to localhost interface.

Type Default Usage
project automatic

Not commonly used. Can be a specific port number for a fixed database port. If unset, the port will be assigned automatically and change each time ddev start is run.

Can be a specific port number for a fixed database port, which can be useful for configuration of host-side database clients. (May still be easier to use ddev mysql, ddev psql, ddev sequelace, etc., which handle changing ports automatically, as does the sample command ddev mysqlworkbench.)


Specific, persistent HTTPS port for direct binding to localhost interface.

Type Default Usage
project automatic

Not commonly used. Can be a specific port number for a fixed HTTPS URL. If unset, the port will be assigned automatically and change each time ddev start is run.

Example: 59001 will have the project always use for the localhost URL—used less commonly than the named URL which is better to rely on.


Specific, persistent Mailpit port for direct binding to localhost interface.

Type Default Usage
project automatic

Not commonly used. Can be a specific port number for a fixed Mailpit URL. If unset, the port will be assigned automatically and change each time ddev start is run.


Specific, persistent HTTP port for direct binding to localhost interface.

Type Default Usage
project automatic

Not commonly used. Can be a specific port number for a fixed HTTP URL. If unset, the port will be assigned automatically and change each time ddev start is run.

Example: 59000 will have the project always use for the localhost URL—used less commonly than the named URL which is better to rely on.


Whether to allow instrumentation reporting.

Type Default Usage
global true Can be true or false.

When true, anonymous usage information is collected via Amplitude.


Maximum number of locally collected events for instrumentation reporting.

Type Default Usage
global 100 Can be any integer.


Reporting interval in hours for instrumentation reporting.

Type Default Usage
global 24 Can be any integer.


Specific name identifier for instrumentation reporting.

Type Default Usage
global ``


Internet detection timeout in milliseconds.

Type Default Usage
global 3000 (3 seconds) Can be any integer.

DDEV must detect whether the internet is working to determine whether to add hostnames to /etc/hosts. In rare cases, you may need to increase this value if you have slow but working internet. See FAQ and GitHub issue.


Email associated with Let’s Encrypt feature. (Works in conjunction with use_letsencrypt.)

Type Default Usage
global ``

Set with ddev config global Used with the hosting feature.


Port for project’s Mailpit HTTP URL.

Type Default Usage
8025 Can be changed to avoid a port conflict.


Port for project’s Mailpit HTTPS URL.

Type Default Usage
8026 Can be changed to avoid a port conflict.


Configure messages like the Tip of the Day.

Type Default Usage
global ticker_interval: hours between ticker messages.

Example: Disable the “Tip of the Day” ticker in ~/.ddev/global_config.yaml

  ticker_interval: -1

Example: Show the “Tip of the Day” ticket every two hours:

  ticker_interval: 2


The URL-friendly name DDEV should use to reference the project.

Type Default Usage
project enclosing directory name Must be unique; no two projects can have the same name. It’s best if this matches the directory name. If this option is omitted, the project will take the name of the enclosing directory. This value may also be set via ddev config --project-name=<name>. (The ddev config flag is project-name, not name, see ddev config docs.)”


Extra flags for configuring ngrok when sharing projects with the ddev share command.

Type Default Usage
project ``

Example: --basic-auth username:pass1234 --domain


Whether to not use Docker bind mounts.

Type Default Usage
global false Can true or false.

Some Docker environments (like remote Docker) do not allow bind mounts, so when true this turns those off, turns on Mutagen, and uses volume copies to do what bind mounts would otherwise do.


Whether to skip mounting project into web container.

Type Default Usage
project false Can be true or false.

Advanced users only!

When true, project will not be mounted by DDEV into the web container. Enables experimentation with alternate file mounting strategies.


Node.js version for the web container’s “system” version. n tool is under the hood.

There is no need to reconfigure nodejs_version unless you want a version other than the version already specified, which will be the default version at the time the project was configured.

Note that specifying any non-default Node.js version will cause DDEV to download and install that version when running ddev start the first time on a project. If optimizing first-time startup speed (as in Continuous Integration) is your biggest concern, consider using the default version of Node.js.

Type Default Usage
project current LTS version any node version, like 16, 18.2, 18.19.2, etc.

How to install the Node.js version from a file

Your project team may specify the Node.js version in a more general way than in the .ddev/config.yaml. For example, you may use a .nvmrc file, the package.json, or a similar technique. In that case, DDEV can use the external configuration provided by that file.

There is an auto label (see full documentation):

ddev config --nodejs-version=auto

It reads the target version from a file in the DDEV_APPROOT directory, or any parent directory.

n looks for in order:

  • .n-node-version : version on single line. Custom to n.
  • .node-version : version on single line. Used by multiple tools.
  • .nvmrc : version on single line. Used by nvm.
  • if no version file found, look for engine as below.

The engine label looks for a package.json file and reads the engines field to determine compatible Node.js.

If your file is not in the DDEV_APPROOT directory, you can create a link to the parent folder, so that n can find it. For example, if you have frontend/.nvmrc, create a .ddev/web-build/Dockerfile.nvmrc file:

RUN ln -sf /var/www/html/frontend/.nvmrc /var/www/.nvmrc

Switching from nvm to nodejs_version

If switching from using nvm to using nodejs_version, you may find that the container continues to use the previously specified version. If this happens, use ddev nvm alias default system or ddev ssh into the container (ddev ssh) and run rm -rf /mnt/ddev-global-cache/nvm_dir/${DDEV_PROJECT}-web, then ddev restart.


Containers that should not be loaded automatically for one or more projects.

Type Default Usage
[] For projects, can include db, and ddev-ssh-agent.
Globally, can include ddev-router, and ddev-ssh-agent.

Example: omit_containers: [db, ddev-ssh-agent] starts the project without a db container and SSH agent. Some containers can be omitted globally in ~/.ddev/global_config.yaml and the result is additive; all containers named in both places will be omitted.


Omitting the db container will cause database-dependent DDEV features to be unstable.


Whether to override config values instead of merging.

Type Default Usage
project false Can be true or false.

When true, the config.*.yaml file with the option will have its settings override rather than merge with others. Allows statements like use_dns_when_possible: false or additional_hostnames: [] to work.

See Extending config.yaml with Custom config.*.yaml Files.


Defines the performance optimization mode to be used. Currently Mutagen asynchronous caching and NFS are supported. Mutagen is enabled by default on Mac and Windows.

Type Default Usage
`` Can be global, none, mutagen, or nfs.

This is typically a global setting. The project-specific value will override global config.

Workstation configuration is required to use NFS!

See the NFS section on the Performance page.


The PHP version the project should use.

Type Default Usage
project 8.3 Can be 5.6 through 8.4. New versions are added when released upstream.

You can only specify the major version (7.3), not a minor version (7.3.2), from those explicitly available.


Default Top-Level-Domain (TLD) to be used for a project’s domains, or globally for all project domains. This defaults to and it’s easiest to work with DDEV using the default setting.

Type Default Usage
global Can be changed to any TLD you’d prefer.

See Hostnames and Wildcards and DDEV, Oh My! for more information on DDEV hostname resolution.


Specific docker-compose version for download.

Type Default Usage

If set to v2.8.3, for example, it will download and use that version instead of the expected version for docker-compose.

Troubleshooting Only!

This should only be used in specific cases like troubleshooting. Please don’t experiment with it unless directed to do so.


Whether to bind ddev-router’s ports on all network interfaces.

Type Default Usage
global false Can be true or false.

When true, the router will bind on all network interfaces instead of only localhost, exposing DDEV projects to your local network. This is sometimes used to share projects on a local network, see Sharing Your Project.


Port for DDEV router’s HTTP traffic.

Type Default Usage
80 Usually changed only if there’s a conflicting process using that port.

See the Troubleshooting page for more on addressing port conflicts.


Port for DDEV router’s HTTPS traffic.

Type Default Usage
443 Usually changed only if there’s a conflicting process using that port.

See the Troubleshooting page for more on addressing port conflicts.


Whether to disable most ddev list and ddev describe table formatting.

Type Default Usage
global false Can be true or false. If you don’t like the table lines in ddev list or ddev describe, you can completely turn them off with ddev config --simple-formatting=true.

When true, turns off most table formatting in ddev list and ddev describe and suppresses colorized text everywhere.


Style for ddev list and ddev describe.

Type Default Usage
global default Can be default, bold, and bright.

bright is a pleasant, colorful output some people may prefer. If you don’t like the table lines at all, you can remove them with ddev config --simple-formatting=true.


Timezone for container and PHP configuration.

Type Default Usage
project Automatic detection or UTC Can be any valid timezone, like Europe/Dublin or MST7MDT.

If timezone is unset, DDEV will attempt to derive it from the host system timezone using the $TZ environment variable or the /etc/localtime symlink.


Specify an alternate port for the Traefik (ddev-router) monitor port. This defaults to 10999 and rarely needs to be changed, but can be changed in cases of port conflicts.

Type Default Usage
global 10999 Can be any unused port below 65535.


The DDEV-specific project type.

Type Default Usage
project php Can be backdrop, cakephp, craftcms, drupal, drupal6, drupal7, drupal8, drupal9, drupal10, drupal11, laravel, magento, magento2, php, shopware6, silverstripe, symfony, typo3, or wordpress.

The php type doesn’t attempt CMS configuration or settings file management and can work with any project.

The many versions of the Drupal project types can be used, for example drupal11 or drupal6. There is also a special drupal type that is interpreted as “latest stable Drupal version”, so in late 2024, drupal means drupal11.


Paths from the project’s docroot to the user-generated files directory targeted by ddev import-files. Can be outside the docroot but must be within the project directory e.g. ../private. Some CMSes and frameworks have default upload_dirs, like Drupal’s sites/default/files; upload_dirs will override the defaults, so if you want Drupal to use both sites/default/files and ../private you would list both, upload_dirs: ["sites/default/files", "../private"]. upload_dirs is used for targeting ddev import-files and also, when Mutagen is enabled, to bind-mount those directories so their contents does not need to be synced into Mutagen.

If you do not have directories of static assets of this type, or they are small and you don’t care about them, you can disable the warning You have Mutagen enabled and your 'php' project type doesn't have upload_dirs set. by setting disable_upload_dirs_warning with ddev config --disable-upload-dirs-warning.

Type Default Usage
project A list of directories.


Whether to use DNS instead of editing /etc/hosts.

Type Default Usage
project true Can be true or false.

When false, DDEV will always update the /etc/hosts file with the project hostname instead of using DNS for name resolution.

See Using DDEV Offline.


Whether to use the system-installed docker-compose. You can otherwise use required_docker_compose_version to specify a version for download.

Type Default Usage
global false Can true or false.

When true, DDEV will use the docker-compose found in on your system’s path instead of using its private, known-good, docker-compose version.

Troubleshooting Only!

This should only be used in specific cases like troubleshooting. (It is used in the Docker Compose automated tests.)


Whether to use hardened images for internet deployment.

Type Default Usage
global false Can true or false.

When true, more secure hardened images are used for an internet deployment. These do not include sudo in the web container, and the container is run without elevated privileges. Generally used with the hosting feature.


Whether to enable Let’s Encrypt integration. (Works in conjunction with letsencrypt_email.)

Type Default Usage
global false Can true or false.

May also be set via ddev config global --use-letsencrypt or ddev config global --use-letsencrypt=false. When true, letsencrypt_email must also be set and the system must be available on the internet. Used with the hosting feature.


Additional custom environment variables for a project’s web container. (Or for all projects if used globally.)

Type Default Usage


Additional daemons that should automatically be started in the web container.

Type Default Usage
project []


Additional named sets of ports to expose via ddev-router.

Type Default Usage
project []


The Docker image to use for the web server.

Type Default Usage
project ddev/ddev-webserver Specify your own image based on ddev/ddev-webserver.

Proceed with caution

It’s unusual to change this, and we don’t recommend it without Docker experience and a good reason. Typically, this means additions to the existing web image using a .ddev/web-build/Dockerfile.*.


Extra Debian packages for the project’s web container.

Type Default Usage
project []

Example: webimage_extra_packages: [php-yaml, php-bcmath] will add the php-yaml and php-bcmath packages when the web container is built.


Which available web server type should be used.

Type Default Usage
project nginx-fpm Can be nginx-fpm or apache-fpm.

To change from the default nginx-fpm to apache-fpm, for example, you would need to edit your project’s .ddev/config.yaml to include the following:

webserver_type: apache-fpm

Then run the ddev restart command to have the change take effect.


Working directories used by ddev exec and ddev ssh.

Type Default Usage

Example: working_dir: { web: "/var/www", db: "/etc" } sets the working directories for the web and db containers.


(WSL2 only) Whether to disable the management and checking of the Windows hosts file. By default, when using WSL2, DDEV manages the system-wide hosts file on the Windows side (normally C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) by using ddev.exe installed on the Windows side. This normally works better for all applications, including browsers and IDEs. However, this behavior can be disabled by setting wsl_no_windows_hosts_mgt: true.

Type Default Usage
global false Can true or false.

May also be set via ddev config global --wsl2-no-windows-hosts-mgt or ddev config global --wsl2-no-windows-hosts-mgt=false.


Whether Xdebug should be enabled for step debugging or profiling.

Type Default Usage
project false Please leave this false in most cases. Most people use ddev xdebug and ddev xdebug off (or ddev xdebug toggle) commands.


Adjust Xdebug listen location for WSL2 or in-container. This is used very rarely. Ask for help in one of our support channels before changing it unless you understand its use completely.

Type Default Usage
global "" Can be empty (""), "wsl2", "container", or an explicit IP address.

For PhpStorm running inside WSL2 (or JetBrains Gateway), use "wsl2". For in-container like VS Code Language Server, set to "container". It can also be set to an explicit IP address.


  • xdebug_ide_location: when you need to provide an explicit IP address where the IDE is listening. This is very unusual.
  • xdebug_ide_location: container when the IDE is actually listening inside the ddev-webserver container. This is only done very occasionally with obscure Visual Studio Code setups like VS Code Language Server.
  • xdebug_ide_location: wsl2 when an IDE is running (or listening) in WSL2. This is the situation when running an IDE directly inside WSL2 instead of running it on Windows.