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Upgrading DDEV

Installing and upgrading DDEV are nearly the same thing, because you’re upgrading the ddev binary that talks with Docker. You can update this file like other software on your system, whether it’s with a package manager or traditional installer.



# Upgrade DDEV to the latest version
brew upgrade ddev/ddev/ddev

Install Script

# Download and run the script to replace the DDEV binary
curl -fsSL | bash
Need a specific version?

Use the -s argument to specify a specific stable or prerelease version:

# Download and run the script to update to DDEV v1.21.4
curl -fsSL | bash -s v1.21.4



# Update package information and all packages including DDEV
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Fedora, Red Hat, etc.

# Upgrade the DDEV package
sudo dnf upgrade ddev

Arch Linux

# Upgrade the DDEV package
yay -Syu ddev-bin


WSL2 + Docker

If you’re using WSL2, the upgrade process is the same regardless of how you installed DDEV.

Open the WSL2 terminal, for example “Ubuntu” from the Windows start menu, and run the following:

# Upgrade the DDEV package
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Traditional Windows


# Turn off DDEV and upgrade it
ddev poweroff && choco upgrade ddev


Download and run the Windows installer for the latest DDEV release (ddev_windows_installer.<version>.exe).


# Update package information and all packages including DDEV
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

GitHub Codespaces

# Update package information and all packages including DDEV
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y


Upgrade using the exact same manual install process:

  • Download and extract the latest DDEV release for your architecture.
  • Move ddev to /usr/local/bin with mv ddev /usr/local/bin/ (may require sudo), or another directory in your $PATH as preferred.
  • Run ddev --version to confirm you’re running the expected version.