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Acquia Integration

DDEV provides integration with the Acquia Cloud Platform, which allows Acquia users to quickly download and provision a project from Acquia in a local DDEV-managed environment.

DDEV’s Acquia integration pulls database and files from an existing project into your local system so you can develop locally.

Acquia Quickstart

  1. Get your Acquia API token from Account SettingsAPI Tokens.
  2. Make sure you’ve added your SSH key to your Acquia account in Account SettingsSSH Keys.
  3. Run ddev auth ssh. (Typically once per DDEV session, not every pull.)
  4. In ~/.ddev/global_config.yaml add or update the web_environment section with the API keys:

        - ACQUIA_API_KEY=xxxxxxxx
        - ACQUIA_API_SECRET=xxxxx

    You can also do this with:

    ddev config global --web-environment-add="ACQUIA_API_KEY=xxxxxxxx,ACQUIA_API_SECRET=xxxxx"
  5. In the project .ddev/config.yaml add the ACQUIA_ENVIRONMENT_ID environment variable:


    You can also do this with:

    ddev config --web-environment-add=""
  6. Run ddev restart.

  7. Use ddev pull acquia to pull the project database and files.
  8. Optionally use ddev push acquia to push local files and database to Acquia. Be aware that ddev push is a command that can potentially damage your production site, so we don’t recommend using it.


ddev pull acquia will connect to the Acquia Cloud Platform to download database and files. To skip downloading and importing either file or database assets, use the --skip-files and --skip-db flags.