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Lagoon Integration

DDEV provides integration with Lagoon, allowing users to quickly sync the files and database from a Lagoon environment to the local DDEV project.

Lagoon Per-Project Configuration

  1. Check out the Lagoon project and configure it by running ddev config. You’ll want to run ddev start and make sure the basic functionality is working.
  2. Add LAGOON_PROJECT and LAGOON_ENVIRONMENT variables to your project using 'web_environment' in its YAML configuration or a .ddev/.env file. For example, run ddev config --web-environment-add="LAGOON_PROJECT=<project-name>,LAGOON_ENVIRONMENT=<environment-name>".
  3. Configure an SSH key for your Lagoon user.
  4. Run ddev auth ssh to make your SSH key available in the project’s web container.
  5. Run ddev restart.
  6. Run ddev pull lagoon. After you agree to the prompt, the current upstream databases and files will be downloaded.
  7. Optionally run ddev push lagoon to push local files and database to Lagoon. The ddev push command can potentially damage your production site, so we don’t recommend using it.


  • ddev pull lagoon will connect to the Lagoon environment to download database and files. To skip downloading and importing either file or database assets, use the --skip-files or --skip-db flags.
  • If you need to change the .ddev/providers/lagoon.yaml recipe, you can change it to suit your needs, but remember to remove the #ddev-generated line from the top of the file.